Category Archives: General

Tiny Update Once More

Hey guys! Apologies for the really… really long delay in updates, but I was in the process of editing the demo draft, and… It’s uh… I’m not happy with it! So, I’m starting with another draft, and it’s going along much better. The thing is, while I don’t know if I’ll stay with this draft […]

Brief Update on tWH Demo

Hello, everyone! Happy almost-end-of-January! I’m pretty much done with editing the first draft for the demo portion of The Witching Hour. All I really have left is to make mock-ups for the graphics, decide where to use what BGMs where, and to do a few more edits of the beginning of the script before asking […]

Happy 2015!

Happy New Year, everyone! Well, I set a goal for releasing a rough demo mid-December, but I wasn’t able to reach it. I’m disappointed, and I’m sorry if I disappointed anyone else, but I’m pushing myself to get things done before the end of January, especially since I’m close to reaching my writing goal. Other […]

Happy December 25th!

Happy Christmas Eve, Merry Christmas, and Happy After-Christmas, everyone! I hope you all are having a good time! I don’t have much to say, other than a small character sheet (of the main character!) for a small romance VN I’ll be working on for the next few months! The effect of this drug takes lesser […]

Outlining and a New Layout (v.2)

Woo! I finally decided to get rid of that really badly coded layout and made a new one. Not to say this one was coded amazingly, but it’s a whole lot better. I had a ton of fun spending tons of hours on it too! The blog also updated with it, so the comments section […]